Yolanda's Blog

Link to article remembering Yolanda
in San Francisco Chronicle by Sam Whiting:

Link to Yolanda's Obituary:

Monday, August 18, 2008

Two more angels...

Hello, Matt here again. Yo is resting after her procedure at the hospital. We went in a day early after she received a strong message to move on it sooner than later. Thank you for your prayers and focused intentions…they are truly at work here.

She picked out some photos from the Mindful Body Kirtan and our trip to NY State, both available on the right side of the blog.

Yo was deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of fellow Bay Area Yoga teachers Natalia and Kazuko, who also had cancer. She refers to them as “two more angels in my realm, offering strength and courage”. She asks that we pray for their families and loved ones, and for the Yoga Studio for losing two of their beloved teachers.